Regardless, once everything is done for Johnny, you’re left to return to Dalaran’s mailroom once more. This includes a return to the Eastern Kingdoms, and a visit to where poor Twinkles, his beloved steed, passed on from this world to gallop the great sparkling pasture in the sky. This time, you’re not the one sending him on errands, he’s got a few for you instead. That’s right - Johnny Awesome makes his triumphant return. Once you’ve got it safely in hand, it’s off to the Steam Pools in Feralas to deliver it to its intended recipient…another familiar face. Ever wonder how items you leave on corpses are returned to you? Katy’s pretty good with portals, and sends you to pick up an important item accidentally left behind in Icecrown Citadel. After that gigantic task is complete, the Postmaster has another task for you. Luckily, the Postmaster’s assistant Katy Stampwhistle is willing to help you out.
#Dalaran mail mini game how to
You’re just trying to figure out how to get rid of all these blasted rocks. Post Office changed the rules to limit customers to sending no more than 200 pounds per day per sender.

After the laborious process was complete, the U.S. Coltharp decided to take advantage of low postal rates to send masonry bricks by Parcel Post from Salt Lake City to Vernal. The Bank of Vernal is also known as the Bank that was sent by mail - in the early 1900’s, William H.

In addition, the mail system has been utterly clogged by players mailing Solid Stone - which seems to be a pretty clever reference to the Bank of Vernal in Utah. You’ll need to catch some pesky letters to sort them. Let’s face it - the mailroom is kind of a mess. After finding the secret entrance, you’ll be greeted by none other than the Postmaster himself. Checking your mailbox again will reveal a letter from the Postmaster, who needs some extra help down in the Dalaran Mailroom. You’ll witness a pretty amusing exchange, and then, nothing…or so it seems. The resulting quest asks you to deliver the letter to Madam Goya in the Underbelly. When clicked, the Lost Mail will deposit an envelope in your bags and despawn. Every three hours or so, an envelope will spawn on the ground. The quest begins at the mailbox in front of the Violet Citadel in Dalaran. It’s an entire quest chain with an assortment of fun rewards, and one very useful item - and unless you’re very observant, you’ll miss it entirely. One of the most impressive involves the care and delivery of letters and packages.
#Dalaran mail mini game Patch
There were a few items added in World of Warcraft’s latest patch that didn’t make the patch notes - secrets, if you will. Smite, Shadow Word: Pain and Holy Fire are all that are needed to kill mobs.Have you ever wondered how exactly the mail gets delivered in Azeroth? In patch 7.3.5, it’s time to find out.Apotheosis will increase your stats for some seconds in combat!.Soloing Torghast or leveling is something you can do while relaxing and drinking hot cocoa, you are a mini tank! The damage rotation is effortless to learn and doesn’t ruin your rate if you make a small mistake while casting!
#Dalaran mail mini game full
Since I started playing WOW, I never had a bad day soloing content with this spec! Holy Priest is known as a slow but strong dps for solo being the best in healing and shielding will forever keep you safe and with full HP almost every time.